
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

FaceID – face recognition door access system

Biometric security access system that involves fingerprints and retinas scanning is out. The latest technology is to deal with scanning your entire face, which is definitely much more secure as no one will be able to easily duplicate your face.

Here comes the FaceID, a face recognition dock access system, that allows you to unlock your door using your face. The FaceID is able to store up to 500 faces in its database. It has a pair of cameras that capture the 3D image of your face and then uses face detection algorithm to match those faces in the database.

The 3D image recognition system also makes it hard for anyone simply uses a photo to deceive the system. It also works in dim or low-lighting conditions, which shouldn’t be a problem for those who always get home late. The system is available and can be purchased from ChinaVasion, but the price tag of $447 may put many of you off. It’s also suitable for offices, can be replacement for card systems as it also takes care of time attendance.

Please note the FaceID does not come with an electronic door lock, so you have to pair it up with one. It should be a reliable system to safeguard your home and claims to have a margin of error of 0.0001%. The very little percentage of error could probably be caused by your twin brother who has face closely resembles yours.